Pursue A Living Education for your child here.
Pursue A Living Education for your child here.
To make yourself attend, to make yourself know, this indeed is to come into a kingdom all the more satisfying because they are so made that they revel in knowledge.
To make yourself attend, to make yourself know, this indeed is to come into a kingdom all the more satisfying because they are so made that they revel in knowledge.

Learn more about Ambleside Colorado.
Now is the time to move forward with hope for the future. Have you been inspired by what you’ve experienced and heard, and believe your child will flourish at Ambleside?
We are committed to partnering with families who desire to grow academically, spiritually, and relationally, and as such, work with applicants to move your admissions package forward with efficiency and discernment. Our Director of Admissions will walk with you through each step in the process of submission, student assessment, parent interview, and final decision.
If you’re looking to enroll a sibling, please log in to your FACTS Family portal to find the sibling application. On the left-hand navigation menu, click the dropdown arrow next to “Apply/Enroll” and click “Application (New Student).” After entering your student’s initial information, select “Sibling Application” from the dropdown menu and click Submit to begin.
Begin the admissions process today by reading the admissions page for full application requirements, including fees and forms.
Then begin the application process by creating an account with FACTS, an online platform that is used for submitting applications and supplemental forms, enrollment, and tuition.
We are here to help you with the admissions process! Please reach out to if you have any questions about the application process, and to FACTS Support for technical assistance.