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Ways to Give

Our end goal is a child who is useful to the world, is trained to choose rightly, and whose love for many different things brings joy for life. Your support makes that possible.

Ways to Give

Our end goal is a child who is useful to the world, is trained to choose rightly, and whose love for many different things brings joy for life. Your support makes that possible.

But not even that very courteous gentleman who once wrote a letter to the Romans could make suitable acknowledgements to all these to whom we owe the success of a movement.


But not even that very courteous gentleman who once wrote a letter to the Romans could make suitable acknowledgements to all these to whom we owe the success of a movement.


Please consider the influence of blessing children with a rich, engaging and rewarding education. You will do this with your support of Ambleside School of Colorado. Your contributions will provide tuition assistance for families with demonstrated need, so that these children grow to be mature, passionate learners who know, and who also care.


Our end goal is a child who is useful to the world, is trained to choose rightly, and whose love for many different things brings joy for life. Please join us in this important and high impact endeavor. Ambleside School is a 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization — EIN #27-1507931 — and is funded through the generous gifts and prayer of supporting individuals, organizations, and foundations like you.

Financial Support

In order to fulfill its mission, Ambleside is blessed through the generosity of those who believe in our work and contribute financially to it. As a nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3), status, Ambleside accepts tax-exempt charitable contributions and provides an email, mailed receipt and year-end tax donation statement. Contributions are currently being sought to support:


  • Scholarship funds for students with proven need
  • Development of resources
  • The hiring of additional staff.
  • Development of a new High School

Legacy Gifts

Planned gifts are charitable contributions which can result in tax and financial benefits to you the donor. Outlined below are ways in which you can make a gift to Ambleside that can help you minimize estate taxes or enable you to pass assets to your heirs at reduced transfer costs.


Retirement Plans
You may not be aware that if you name your children as the ultimate beneficiaries of your I.R.A. or Qualified Retirement Plan(s), they may only receive one-third of the total assets. By gifting all or a portion of your retirement plan(s) to a charitable organization, the full value is generally passed to the charity and may ultimately make a greater impact. The amount received by a charitable organization will be fully deductible from your estate.


A Bequest made during your lifetime is the most common method of planned giving and enables you to distribute assets to individuals and charitable organizations in the amounts or proportions you indicate. An estate gift also provides the opportunity to make a major gift while preserving assets during a lifetime, with a reduction in federal estate taxes.


Life Insurance
A gift of Life Insurance is a simple way to make a legacy gift. You may name a charity as the beneficiary of all or a portion of a life insurance policy. A charity can also be named as the alternate or final beneficiary. At your death, all proceeds would pass immediately to the named charitable organizations. Policies originally intended to protect a spouse, child or even complete a mortgage payment may no longer be necessary. Consider how these policies may be used to help fulfill other needs or causes.

Employer Matching Gift

You may have an employer with a formal matching gift program through which they match your tax-deductible contributions as an employee.


Check with your employer today and see if your gift to Ambleside can be matched. We are delighted to supply all of the documentation needed to confirm your gift for matching gift programs.

Appreciated Stock

Ambleside can benefit from your transfer of long-term appreciated securities including stock, bonds and mutual funds, allowing you to actually give 20 percent more than if you sold the stock and then made a cash donation — by avoiding capital gains taxes. The maximum federal capital gains tax rate is 20 percent on long-term holdings.


Stock delivery to:

Charles Schwab
Account Name: Ambleside School
DTC Clearing # 0164, Code 40
Account Number 8175-5653


Please also notify our office at 720-712-0464 or email at office@amblesidecolorado.com
and provide the following information:

  • Donor Name
  • Stock Name
  • Number of Shares


AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service. AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support Ambleside every time you shop, at no cost to you.


AmazonSmile is available by clicking the link we’ve provided, which will take you to Smile.Amazon.com on your web browser. It can also be activated in the Amazon Shopping app for iOS and Android phones. Once on the site, simply follow the prompts to establish your account designation to Ambleside Schools International.


Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Ambleside Schools International.


Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.” We at Ambleside understand our work to be a participation in the continuing ministry of Jesus. As such, we are dependent upon God to lead, empower and make fruitful this ministry. Our job is to be faithful laborers; His to make fruitful. While the effects of prayer are a mystery, we are confident that prayer accomplishes much. Thus, we are dependent upon the prayers of the Ambleside community. Matters for prayer include:


  • The wise and effectual work of our staff. We have a dedicated team who give themselves selflessly for a worthy work. There is always more to do than can be done.
  • Direction, financial provision and added coworkers as we seek continued increase in the resources it provides and the communities it reaches.
  • Wisdom and discernment for our leadership as we guide the organization.

The above information is not intended as legal or financial advice. Please consult your personal advisors for the applicability of these principles to your own situation.


Contributions made to Ambleside are deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please note that, in strict conformance with IRS guidelines, Ambleside does not accept contributions that are earmarked for any specific person. The Trustees of Ambleside have complete discretion and control over the ultimate disposition of any contributions received by the organization. While donors may suggest that their gifts be used for a specific purpose, these requests are non-binding on Ambleside. This is to help ensure that gifts made to Ambleside are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law and that Ambleside fulfills its duties and obligations as a U.S. tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.